

Past Director at Home with the Lord

Paul a retired businessman who got involved in prison ministry doing Bible studies in Concord State Prison in 1987. In 2003 Paul became director of CAM just as the ministry opened its doors with an office in Manchester, NH.



Prison ministry is Steve’s brand-new retirement career. He’s been a schoolteacher, machinist, and Licensed Nurses Aide. Steve likes hiking, reading, and gardening.



Steve started volunteering for CAM in 2017 and later was voted in as a board member. He and his wife, Donna, serve the Concord N.H. area for individuals coming out of incarceration as the needs arise.


LDAC Counselor/Consultant

Guy grew up in Chicago, IL, till he relocated to NH in the mid 90s. He became involved in prison ministry around 2003, both musically in the chapel and through Bible studies in the men’s state prison, for 15+ years. With his wife, Deb, they did a Bible study at Helping Hands, where many of the men were former inmates. He took a job with Helping Hands and also returned to school to become a drug and alcohol counselor. During this time, Paul Roussel asked Guy to become a board member of CAM along with his wife, Deb. Guy is now a full-time Drug Alcohol Counselor.



Mike is a former police officer and retired businessman. Mike leads Bible studies at Calumet House, Valley St. Jail, and the CAM office on Thursday evenings.



Jack is a former U.S. Army Captain and dentist with mission services of 37 trips to 12 countries. He brings much knowledge and experience to CAM, and we are blessed to have him on our board.


John has lived in central NH most of his life. Early in high school, he felt a call from God to serve hurting people; the people Jesus called the least of these; the broken, the addicted, the imprisoned and the homeless. He is a U.S. Army veteran. He was a Registered Nurse before opening a construction business.

In 2012 he began volunteering at Chapel services at the NH State Prison. Since then, he has been involved in bringing a Sunday Worship service to the Women’s Halfway House at Shea Farm and leading Celebrate Recovery and other recovery groups at the Men’s and Women’s prisons.

In 2018 he retired from construction, closed his business, and became a full-time missionary to the prisons as the Healing Ministries Director at a local ministry, Rise Again Outreach. In 2020 he became the Director of the NH Reentry Taskforce.

Today, prison ministry is a major part of his life. He volunteers in the Men’s Prison three days a week, working with men on reentry planning, doing one-on-one biblical counseling and leading recovery groups. He also oversees all these functions at the Women’s Prison and leads Celebrate Recovery there every week with his wife, Susan. 



Ernie is a retired accountant now helping men coming out of prison to grow in their faith and be part of a church and Christian men’s groups. Ernie is also involved in an evangelism group through Faith Community Bible Church located in Loudon, NH.



Dave’s career during his working life was in the food service industry plus he had a side business as an antique dealer. He became involved in prison ministry in the late 1990s. He helped minister at Concord State Prison under the leadership of Jean Metzger. He also helped inmates transition back into society after serving lengthy prison sentences. Dave also taught a weekly Bible study at the Southern NH Rescue Mission in Nashua, NH. Currently, Dave helps at the CAM office on Mondays to help process  clothing, household donations, and help clients with clothing needs.


Administrative Assistant

Deb grew up in NH. She became involved in prison ministry alongside her husband, Guy. Together they ran a weekly Bible study on Wednesday nights at Helping Hands for the residents, many of whom were former inmates. Deb and her husband also volunteered at Saturday night services at the men’s prison. She helped to mentor a woman coming out of Valley Street Jail. She became a CAM board member and is currently our secretary.

Come on In!


Monday 10:30 AM to 5 PM
Wednesday 10 AM to 1 PM
Thursday 10 AM to 2:30 PM

bible study
Monday 3:30 PM
Thursday 5 PM


By Appointment